1st Place: Super 8 Debating (2019)
“Formed in 1997, the New Zealand Super Eight group of schools incorporates the eight boys’ high schools from their respective provincial cities of the central North Island. The first sporting competitions were sponsored by Canterbury International and commenced in 1998, involving rugby and cricket. Since that time, the Super Eight[…]

3rd Place: NZ Business Consultancy Secondary Schools Case Competition (2019)
In 2019 I competed alongside Nikhil Banerjee, Antariksh Nag and William Wood in the Auckland University Business Consulting Clubs Secondary Schools New Zealand Business Schools Case Competition. Over 3 rounds we competed against 86 other teams from around the country, culminating with a 3rd placing against the top 6 teams[…]

Aotearoa Youth Declaration (2019)
In 2019 I successfully applied for and attended the Aotearoa Youth Declaration. This conference, held in Auckland over the 4 days at the beginning of the first term holidays, provides an opportunity for 250 of the Rangatahi of Aotearoa to provide their opinions and provide directional suggestions for Aotearoa’s future.[…]

Secondary School Scholarship Examinations
In both my Year 12, and Year 13 secondary school external examinations I have attempted scholarship examinations. These examinations are the highest level of secondary school qualification available in New Zealand and indicate a high level of proficiency in a subject, equal to performance in the top 3% of the[…]

Festival For The Future (2018)
We live in a world with urgent and complex challenges that need solving. When people from diverse backgrounds and industries come together to explore the issues and share ideas, remarkable things can happen. The Festival is an action-packed weekend of inspiring speakers, future-focused panels, workshops, entertainment and more. It’s been[…]

Super 8 Scholars Award – For NCEA Level 2 Excellence Endorsement (2018)
I received the Super 8 Scholar’s award in 2018 for my academic prowess (endorsing with excellence) completing NCEA Level 2 in 2017 a year in advance of my cohort. This award is shared among the New Zealand Super 8 schools and upon first achieving the award, a badge is present[…]

Amau Ao: Houston Experience 2018
One of my involvements is in the Massey University “Pūhoro STEM Academy”. This academy strives to foster and support interest in STEM within young (Year 11-13) Maori as well as support more subscription and involvement in STEM related careers in the future. One of the ways that the academy does[…]

New Zealand Secondary Schools Debating Council: Highly Commended (2018, 2019)
I achieved this award the regional Central North Island New Zealand Secondary Schools Debating competition in both 2018 and 2019. It is presented to speakers at the competition that display excellent style, structure and overall impact within their debates over the 2 day competition.

2nd Place: Crimson Education #Snap4Change Competition (2018)
A competition that I involved myself in during the beginning of 2018 was the Crimson Education #Snap4Change competition. The entry consisted of taking a photo that exposed a social issue within our current world, then explaining what the issue is and how you would solve it on a post via[…]

VEX Robotics: Judges Award NZ Nationals 2017-2018
As part of the team 2903S, I competed in the 2017-2018 VEX robotics nationals. One of the components of the competition is the robot and team judging that occurs during the matches. As part of this, awards for innovation, building quality as well as an overall Judges Award are given[…]

Y11 College House Award – PNBHS Hostel Y11 Top Academic (2017)
I received this award in Y11 in recognition of my stellar academic record as an accelerated Y11 student completing a full level 2 course to a very high standard (notably, a Level 2 Excellence Endorsement and a second PNBHS academic achievement award).

Ray Gloyn Memorial Award – PNBHS Hostel Y11 Top Academic and Co-Curricular Involvement (2017)
I received this award as a Y11 of the PNBHS hostel for my academic prowess and well as my extensive co-curricular involvement outside of the classroom.

Winner of the PNBHS Buisness Studies “Buisness Competition” (2016)
As part of the Year 10 Buisness Studies Course, it is required that individuals undertake the construction of a business to develop and manufacture a product that would be sold (either indirectly, or through the school ‘trade fair’). A “Best Business” is then picked, based on the analysis of research[…]

Manawatu Regional Spelling Bee Y9/Y10 – Winning Team (2016)
In 2016 two teams, composed of 4 spelling-minded students, joined as competitors in the Manawatu regional spelling bee, held at FAHS. With my Y10 team in 2016, we achieved 1st placing.

Spirit of Adventure – Voyage #760 (2018)
As part of the first stage of the Pinnacle Programme, I undertook a 10 day voyage on the Spirit of New Zealand as a notion of personal and leadership development as well as personal exploration. I had a great time and recommend the experience to anyone that is interested. Embedded[…]

Winner “Elwood Cup” for: First Placing in PNBHS Intraschool Debating (2017)
First placing in the club debating competition, ‘Shand Shield’. Each club (of which there are 6) submits a team and they compete in a ladder format to decide point allocations. Achieved first place with my team which I have have mentored since 2016. In 2015 (without me as a member[…]

Winner of the PNBHS Year 10 and Year 11 Speech Competition
As part of year 9 & 10, each student of PNBHS is required to complete and perform a speech to their class. The best from their respective classes are selected to perform in front of their form and a winner is crowned from that group.In Year 11,12 and 13 the[…]

Aokautere School Awards
In my Primary school, Aokautere School, I achieved 6 awards: Aokautere School trophy for Junior Diligence. William Trophy for Senior Technology. K.K. & M.T. Idemaru Cup for Overall Excellence in ICT. Hammer Cup for Senior Academic and Co-Curricular Achievement. Rabone Cup for Senior Literacy and Language skill (Both written and[…]

PNBHS Trophy for “Junior Dedication to Dramatic Arts” (2016)
I received a trophy in 2016 for dedication to the dramatic arts within my school (PNBHS). It focused on expressions of leadership, volunteer work and skill in the dramatic arts in a Junior Student.

PNBHS Academic Achievement Award (2016-2019)
My school provides awards for those that achieve a specified number of standards at excellence at their highest level of achievement – with specific mention to those achieving above the level of their cohort. In 2016, as a Year 10 student, I achieved 13 Excellence standards in Level 1. In[…]

Pinnacle Programme (2017-2020)
The Hyandai sponsored “Pinnacle Program” is an opportunity for 15-18 year olds to undertake 3 stages of personal development through multiple Pinnacle “Stages”. These stages include experiences on the spirit of adventure, outward bound and personalised work experience and mentoring in the chosen specialisation or career of the individual. The[…]