Aotearoa Youth Declaration (2019)
In 2019 I successfully applied for and attended the Aotearoa Youth Declaration. This conference, held in Auckland over the 4 days at the beginning of the first term holidays, provides an opportunity for 250 of the Rangatahi of Aotearoa to provide their opinions and provide directional suggestions for Aotearoa’s future.[…]

PNBHS Student Forum (2019)
One of the biggest issues I have perceived in previous years of the Palmerston North Boys High School Student Forum was a lack of mobility, a lack of actual student communication and an attitude towards it that caused it to be almost wholly ineffective at actually representing the PNBHS student[…]

Festival For The Future (2018)
We live in a world with urgent and complex challenges that need solving. When people from diverse backgrounds and industries come together to explore the issues and share ideas, remarkable things can happen. The Festival is an action-packed weekend of inspiring speakers, future-focused panels, workshops, entertainment and more. It’s been[…]

2nd Place: Crimson Education #Snap4Change Competition (2018)
A competition that I involved myself in during the beginning of 2018 was the Crimson Education #Snap4Change competition. The entry consisted of taking a photo that exposed a social issue within our current world, then explaining what the issue is and how you would solve it on a post via[…]

PNBHS Drone Club (2018)
This was an opportunity in an area of the school that I had previously pushed for, however previously had found no teacher to support my escapades in running a school UAV/RPAS/UAS and model flying club. However, when a new teacher decided to adopt the notion of a ‘drone club’, I[…]

Palmerston North Youth Council (2017-2019)
When the opportunity arrived during the semi-annual Palmerston North Youth Council recruitment round, I jumped at the opportunity to involve myself with the premiere group making positive change to youth in the Palmerston North region. The Palmerston North youth council has not only given me the opportunities I need to[…]

Winner of the PNBHS Buisness Studies “Buisness Competition” (2016)
As part of the Year 10 Buisness Studies Course, it is required that individuals undertake the construction of a business to develop and manufacture a product that would be sold (either indirectly, or through the school ‘trade fair’). A “Best Business” is then picked, based on the analysis of research[…]

Debating Mentoring Programme (2017-2019)
As part of the Senior Debating programme, students have an opportunity to mentor a Junior team in debating, including oratory, case building and assessment. I took up this opportunity and used it to build leadership skills as well as develop and spread something that I am passionate about (debating) within[…]

High School Ambassador Programme (2017-2019) – UNYouth NZ
As part of my commitment to political science, law and debating, I have become greatly involved with the UNYouth ecosystem and youth development opportunities. As part of being an ambassador for my school within the high-school and tertiary event organization. I assist in organizing events, transport and accommodation when appropriate[…]

Spirit of Adventure – Voyage #760 (2018)
As part of the first stage of the Pinnacle Programme, I undertook a 10 day voyage on the Spirit of New Zealand as a notion of personal and leadership development as well as personal exploration. I had a great time and recommend the experience to anyone that is interested. Embedded[…]

Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre (2018)
In 2017, I took on the challenge of attempting the week long character building and personal development exercise of the Edmund Hilliary Outdoor Pursuits center. This experience was as part of the leadership programme at PNBHS and strives to: