2nd Place: Crimson Education #Snap4Change Competition (2018)

2nd Place: Crimson Education #Snap4Change Competition (2018)

A competition that I involved myself in during the beginning of 2018 was the Crimson Education #Snap4Change competition. The entry consisted of taking a photo that exposed a social issue within our current world, then explaining what the issue is and how you would solve it on a post via Instagram.

I received 2nd place in this competition and thus was able to spend a weekend (with a 2 day programme) during term 1 with Donald Jessep where the 3 top-placing individuals learnt about how to lead positive change within our own local communities.

This opportunity was very valuable, as it provided substance to allow me to understand the processes and required support as well as effects (both obvious and otherwise) of actually directing and making local change.

The submission can be viewed here: Instagram Link.

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