Secondary School Scholarship Examinations
In both my Year 12, and Year 13 secondary school external examinations I have attempted scholarship examinations. These examinations are the highest level of secondary school qualification available in New Zealand and indicate a high level of proficiency in a subject, equal to performance in the top 3% of the[…]

Distinction Marks in ICAS Science and ICAS English (2014-2017)
Every year from 2014 – 2017 I achieved a distinction grade in both ICAS Science and ICAS English, as assessed externally by the ICAS marking body. Due to internal school issues in relation to questions raised about the quality of ICAS assessment, I was unable to sit ICAS Science or[…]

Level 2 Accelerate Endorsement: Excellence (2017)
Achieved an excellence endorsement with 72 Excellence Credits, 28 Merit Credits and 21 Achieved Credits. This achievement was out of a possible 121 Credits (External and internal). I achieved this a Year 11 (Accelerated a year in advance of my cohort).

Level 1 Accelerate Endorsement: Excellence (2016)
Achieved a Level 1 Merit endorsement (in 2016) with 44 excellence credits, 24 merit credits and 16 achieved credits. Out of a possible 84 credits, accelerated a year in advance (achieved as Year 10). As a Year 13, I sat a single Digital Studies assessment and upgraded my Merit endorsement[…]