John is a self-motivated, diligent student with a strong determination to succeed. He has a positive approach to Physics and shows a good understanding of the subject matter.
John’s excellent attitude and application have seen him achieve some pleasing results. He has a good understanding of the key concepts and has been able to apply them in a variety of situations.
John has shown that he is a very competent Digital Technologies student and displayed some very advanced skills in both the programming and website design topics. John works very well independently and is always motivated to produce the best work he is capable of.
[John’s] examination results are at the highest level but it has been his contribution and leadership of his trade fair group which have highlighted his development and growth this year.
John is a cheerful, mature student. He has made valuable contributions to class discussions and has excellent written skills.
[John] is a natural leader and capable of developing and sustaining a character on stage through the application of drama techniques appropriate to the role.